10 Photoshop Liquify Features and Tips You Need to Know


LEARN HOW TO USE LIQUIFY BETTER WITH THIS VIDEO! | Check out a few great tips and tricks about how you can better use Liquify to manipulate your images in Photoshop with this tutorial!

In this Photoshop tutorial, we will take a look at some of my favorite features within Photoshop’s Liquify tool and some of the best things I’ve learned about this feature in Photoshop over my years using it. We will talk about using Smart Objects with Liquify, different useful hotkeys, tricks using the Forward Warp Tool, masking and targeting different isolated areas of the image, the amazing Face-Aware liquify features, and much more!

Tags: Photoshop liquify, photoshop make thinner, photoshop lose weight, photoshop adjust body, photoshop reshape body, photoshop skinny, photoshop change body, photoshop face liquify, photoshop photo manipulation, photo manipulation, fashion photography, photo retouching, retouching Photoshop, photoshop tutorial, photoshop tutorials, how to, LIST

Site Exclusive Tutorial Recording Notes:

Disclaimer: these are the actual notes I used to record this video and are written in a language you may or may not understand. Hopefully, you find them useful or cool.

  1. Liquifying on a Smart Object
  2. Hotkeys: Navigation, Brush Size, Tool Hotkeys, Undo, Reset entire dialog box, Alt to perform opposite of selected tool’s function.
  3. Forward Warp: Big or Small Brushes? (Pin Edges)
  4. Reconstruct Brush
  5. Smoothing Brush
  6. Pucker and Bloat Around the Subject if needed
  7. Using Freeze/Thaw Mask tools
  8. Show the Backdrop when working on a subject within an image composite. NOTE: In a document with only one layer, this will show an overlay of the image pre-Liquify.
  9. Use a Selection or Mask created in Photoshop
    1. Create selection and jump into the Liquify dialog
    2. Convert selection to mask (or save selection as alpha channel) and load it in the Liquify dialog. NOTE: You may have to invert the mask in Liquify to get the protection/working area you desire.
  10. Face-Aware Liquify
    1. Use sliders of HUD Face Tool. Face tool can be useful for quick and dirty changes (usually, we want precision and beauty in the face, though) (NOTE: Hold Shift while working with eyes to apply change to both eyes at once.)
    2. Images with multiple faces, use the drop down menu to target each individual face
    3. If a face is tilted or turned to much, Face-Aware may have difficulty picking it up. You can rotate and overall image if need be and see if Liquify will then pick it up. Some faces and angles it just has a difficult time with, though.
    4. Big pro of the Face tool is the ability to click and drag elements of the face and move them i.e. eyes, cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, etc…
    5. NOTE: Reconstruction feature and Reconstruct tool DO NOT undo or “fade” the Face tool or Face-Aware liquify. You have to use the Reset command in the Face-Aware section of the Liquify dialog box
    6. NOTE II: In the event of multiple faces, choose the face you wish to reset from the drop down and hit the Reset button. Hit the “All” button to reset all of the faces Liquify has detected in the image.
  • Density has to do with the strength of the edges of the brush tip
  • Reconstruct Brush (R) will let you paint away any distortion on a given area. Usually something that is collateral damage of whatever you’re actually liquifying. TIP: Hold Alt/Opt when using Forward Warp to reconstruct an area.
  • Alt/Opt for most tools to “undo” what the tool in its default state would be.
  • Consider “Load Last Mesh” option to load in the last used set of adjustments you used in Liquify.

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