Where Have I Been!?

For a number of reasons I took a short break from YouTube and it just sort of stretched into a much longer break and then into a bit of a battle to re-establish the routine of making videos and turning my focus back primarily onto video creation.

I’ve spent time learning all kinds of new things over the past year and a half as well as working hard at getting into much better shape.

My hope is that I quickly getting going again, but it may take several months to get 100% comfortable and familiar again with the processes that I use to create videos and publish them, but once I get going, there is no stopping me this time! The goal is to develop content that is awesome and fun as well as do it in a way that keeps me and the people working with me as flexible and resilient as possible so we don’t burn out and we always have the capability to pursue new and exciting ventures for design and creativity. Thank you for your support! More videos and fun content soon!