CREATE THIS EPIC VIDEO IN TEXT ANIMATION EFFECT! | Learn to mask type over a video and create a zoom through effect using masks and cameras in this After Effects tutorial!
In this After Effects tutorial, we’ll break down what it takes to create a very cool zooming through text effect that would be great for an intro or a simple transition. This tutorial should be perfect for any level of After Effects user from beginner to advanced. Hope you enjoy it!
Tags: after effects cc 2018, after effects, after effects tutorial, transition effect after effects, after effects transition tutorial, text transition tutorial, after effects zoom through text, after effects zoom effect, after effects text transition, after effects how to mask, how to, tutvid, nathaniel dodson, AE
Tutorial Recording Notes:
Disclaimer: these are the actual notes I used to record this video and are written in a language you may or may not understand. Hopefully, you find them useful or cool.
- Open AE file with audio and video in place.
- The plan is to have some text zoom way in and up to shoot “through” the text into the world of our video.
- Add a black solid
- Grab text tool and add text “Russia” above this black solid
- Text settings: Portico, Rough Oblique, 350px size, center aligned
- Use the Align panel to get the text in the middle of the screen
- Hit the Toggle Switches button at bottom of Layers area
- Go with the Alpha Inverted Matte “RUSSIA” to fill out text with video
- Right-click and add a Camera and set it to 50mm preset
- Bring up the 2-view
- Add a keyframe at the beginning of the Camera’s position and set the Z axis to -17,000
- Open the initial sound hit audio layer and reveal the waveform by double tapping “L”
- Move to where the sound hits (around one-second mark) and change the Z to -5
- Open Camera Options and set Blur Level to ZERO
- If the camera is flipping around, right-click the camera and choose Transform>Auto-Orient and shut it off
- Select both keyframes and Easy Ease
- Select the Russia text layer/mask and hit “T” to open the opacity settings
- Create an animation that takes this from 0% opacity at the beginning to 100% opacity by the third frame
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