Handwritten Write-On Text Title Effect Premiere Pro


CREATE THIS HANDWRITING TEXT EFFECT IN PREMIERE! | Use built in effects in Premiere Pro to create a text title that looks like it’s being written onto the video as it plays.

In this Premiere Pro video editing tutorial, we will create a simple text title and then use the “Write-On” effect to animate a line that will trace the font that we put in place with Premiere’s new Text tool. We will also learn how to mask this animation to complete the effect. In addition, I will show you how to adjust the duration of the animation and change a number of other properties if you want a different style of animation.

Tags: premiere pro tutorial, video editing tutorial, premiere pro title, hand written title premiere, premiere pro text effect, premiere pro handwritten, write on text, write on text tutorial, write on text premiere, write on text title, type effect premiere, custom text title premiere, titler premiere, titles premiere, title tool premiere, selfwriting text, self writing text, write on effect, PREM

Site Exclusive Tutorial Recording Notes:

Disclaimer: these are the actual notes I used to record this video and are written in a language you may or may not understand. Hopefully, you find them useful or cool.

  • Grab the text tool and type out “JUST SKATE” with the Tooth and Nail font
  • Set it to any color you like, set size to whatever you like and use the Tracking slider to increase the space between the letters
  • Drag text track so it is as long as the clip it should appear above
  • Create an Adjustment Layer and drag it above the text track and make it as long as the text object is
  • Look to the Effects panel and find Generate>Write-On and drag it and drop on the Adjustment Layer
  • Set the brush size big enough to cover the width of a letter
  • Set the stroke length to 50 seconds (much longer than needed so we don’t have to worry about the writing effect “erasing” itself”
  • Select the Brush Spacing and hit the down arrow key to bump down the spacing as small as it will go
  • Click on the word “Write-on” in the Effect Controls panel and drag the white dot in the video monitor over to where you want the animated writing to begin
  • Click on the little stopwatch icon to the left of “Brush Position” to place the initial keyframe and tap the right arrow key to move one frame at a time and each time you advance one frame click and drag the white dot a little further along the letters so our Write-on effect will follow the letters
  • Drag the Adjustment Layer above the text object track
  • Look to the Effects panel and select Keying>Track Matte Key and drop it on the Adjustment Layer and set the Track Matte Key’s matte to “Video 3” (or whatever track number on which the text object is)
  • Set an In and Out point and go Sequence>Render In to Out and preview the effect

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