ANIMATE Masks to Create a CINEMATIC Movie Intro – Premiere Pro CC

ANIMATE Masks to Create a CINEMATIC Movie Intro - Premiere Pro CC

CREATE THIS CINEMATIC MOVIE OPENING EFFECT IN PREMIERE PRO! | Learn how to animate a mask in Premiere to create all types of cool effects for your videos!

In this Premiere Pro tutorial, we’ll create an animation that will give us a smooth cinematic style open that will work with any video. Throw some nice, smooth, epic music beneath the animation and people will start to believe that you’ve made a pretty cool film! Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy the tutorial!

Tags: premiere pro tutorial, premiere tutorials, how to, premiere pro CC, premiere pro CC 2018, premiere pro transition, premiere pro transition effect, premiere pro effects, premiere pro cinematic look, premiere pro cinematic bars, premiere pro cinematic black bars, premiere pro cinematic title, premiere pro cinematic transitions, tutvid, nathaniel dodson, PREM

Tutorial Recording Notes:

Disclaimer: these are the actual notes I used to record this video and are written in a language you may or may not understand. Hopefully, you find them useful or cool.

  1. Create thin (75px thick-ish) rectangle with any fill
  2. Open Essential Graphics and align H & V to center this up a little first
  3. Use the H & V nodes to find the H & V centers for the anchor point and set the anchor point X and Y to those numbers.
  4. Re-align to the center of the frame.
  5. This was all important stuff to do to ensure that our animation scale out from the center to give us a nice cinematic open effect.
  6. Scale only horizontally from 0% to 100% (TIP: make this a slow animation if you’re trying to get a good look at it.)
  7. Then as soon as the H scale finishes, scale vertically until the whole frame has been covered with this rectangle.
  8. Feel free to add some easing if you think it’d be cool.
  9. Add a Gaussian blur and only blur the vertical by 100 and repeat edge pixels
  10. Add another gaussian blur and this one only blur the horizontal by 50 or 75 (whatever looks good.) Repeat edge pixels here, too.
  11. Add a track matte key effect to the underlying video and choose the animated shape that we just created.

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