3 Great Ways to Create Black and White Photos in Lightroom


LEARN TO CONVERT ANY PHOTO TO A BLACK AND WHITE IMAGE AND GET GREAT RESULTS! | Learn to use the basic black and white conversion, the HSL/B&W sliders, and the cool result when converting HDR to black and white.

Tutorial Overview

In this Lightroom tutorial, we will convert a simple landscape photo to black and white and use the scrubby finger and sliders in the HSL panel to perfect the image. We will also take a look at using Curves for contrast adjustments. You will also learn to create a retro black and white photo complete with static grain. We will cover nearly every aspect of how I like to create black and white images and cover three great techniques for creating your own black and white photos.

Tags: create black white photo, create black white photograph, create black white image, black white photo lightroom, black white photos lightroom, best black white photos, black and white lightroom portrait, black and white photo editing, lightroom tutorial, Adobe Lightroom, LIGHT

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