Parallax Style Intro and Transition Video Effects Premiere Pro Tutorial


HOW TO MAKE PARALLAX STYLE EFFECTS IN PREMIERE! | We’ll stack up the Adjustment Layers to knock down this effect. Check out the video, you’re going to love it!

In this Premiere Pro video editing tutorial, we will take a look at how to create two different effects. First, we’ll create a simple parallax style bumper/intro effect to introduce new video clips in your story and then we’ll create a blurred parallax style video clip transition effect that you’re just going to love. Combining both Adjustment Layers and Color Mattes used as masks, we will be able to create a complex, multi-layered animation that looks much harder to create than it really is. Thanks for watching!

Tags: parallax premiere Pro, parallax effect premiere pro, create parallax premiere, how to, premiere pro intro, create an intro premiere, create an intro, parallax effect, parallax video effect, parallax video editing, video editing tutorial, video editing premiere, premiere tutorial, premiere tutorials, bumper effect premiere, video transition premiere, transition premiere, transition effect premiere, PREM

Site Exclusive Tutorial Recording Notes:

Disclaimer: these are the actual notes I used to record this video and are written in a language you may or may not understand. Hopefully, you find them useful or cool.

  1. Drag video clip onto timeline
  2. NOTE: Effect works best if using 30 or 60fps. You can change your sequence settings by going Sequence>Sequence Settings.
  3. Create a new Color Matte and choose any color for the fill and name it “MASK”.
  4. Create a new Adjustment Layer
  5. Right-click on the Adjustment layer in the Project Bin and choose “Speed/Duration” and set it to 2 seconds. Do the same for the Color Matte.
  6. Drag an Adjustment Layer out over the video where you would like the effect to take place
  7. Drag out a Color Matte above the Adjustment layer
  8. Repeat this to make three of these stacks. Your timeline should look like Color Matte–Adjustment Layer–Color Matte–Adjustment Layer–Color Matte–Adjustment Layer–Video Track.
  9. Select the bottom color matte and check off “Uniform Scale” in the Effect Controls panel and scale the height to 30% and set the Y position to 918 (this is the setting for a sequence sized 1920×1080.)
  10. Select the middle color matte and scale the height to 40% and don’t change the positioning.
  11. Select the top color matte and check off “Uniform Scale” and scale the height to 30% and set the Y position to 162.
  12. Next, in the Effects panel, choose the Video Effects> Keying> Track Matte Key and add a Track Matte Key to each of the Adjustment Layers and set the Matte in the drop down menu to the video track just above the selected adjustment layer.
  13. In the Effects panel choose Video Effects> Distort> Transform and add a Transform to each of the Adjustment Layers.
  14. Choose the bottom Adjustment Layer and set the X position of the Transform to 1060 and move the playhead to the first frame of the adjustment layer clip and click the stopwatch icon to add a keyframe.
  15. Hold down Shift and tap the right arrow key 3x and set the X value to 980 and hold down Shift and tap the right arrow key 1x and hit the “Reset Parameter” arrow to add a keyframe right there.
  16. Select the topmost Adjustment Layer and do the exact same thing with the Transform effect on that layer, except the initial keyframe, set that to 1100 on the X axis.
  17. Now do the same with the middle Adjustment Layer and set the first keyframe to 1200 and set the second keyframe to 1020. NOTE: You will need to create the three keyframes for each Adjustment Layer
  18. Add another Adjustment Layer above all these color mattes and adjustment layers.
  19. In the Effects panel and find the Video Effects> Distort> Lens Correction and drag that onto this new Adjustment Layer. Set the Curvature to -29.
  20. Hold down Shift and tap right arrow key 3x and place a keyframe by clicking the stopwatch next to the Curvature option and hold down Shift and tap the right arrow key 2x and hit the “Reset Parameter” button to place another keyframe and fade the Lens Correction back to normal.
  21. This is the “intro” parallax bump effect.
  22. Move the playhead to within a half second of the end of any of the first three Adjustment Layers and add a keyframe to the Position parameter of the Transform effect on the first Adjustment Layer.
  23. Set the Y of this positioning to 1200 and uncheck “Use Compositions Shutter Angle” and set the Shutter Angle to 360º.
  24. Hold down Shift and tap the right arrow key 1x and hit the “Reset Parameter” button and hold Shift and hit the left arrow key 2x and hit the “Reset Parameter” button to create a quick up-and-down animation.
  25. Repeat this for the middle Adjustment Layer, but set the Y position to 800 for that middle keyframe and repeat this for the top (masked) Adjustment Layer and set the Y to 280 for that middle keyframe.
  26. Split the underlying video clip exactly on the middle keyframe for that up-and-down effect and make that the spot where the clip switches to a new clip to get a perfectly blended effect.
  27. Go back to the Lens Correction on the top-most Adjustment Layer and add a keyframe exactly on the same frame where the clips run into each other and set the Curvature parameter to -30 and move the playhead a little to either side of this keyframe and hit the “Reset Parameter” button.

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