Fruit Juice Composite Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Fruit Juice Composite Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Use color effects, paths, and masking to create an awesome 3D composite effect in Photoshop with this tutorial!

We’ll learn a ton about blend modes, masking, mixing and blending photos together, paths & shapes, adjustment layers, dodging and burning, color effects, and much more.

Tags: photoshop tutorial,photoshop CC,photoshop,blending images together,how to,blend photos together,match color,dodge burn,tutvid,FEAT,tutorial,adobe photoshop,photoshop tutorials,photo manipulation,photoshop effects,photoshop manipulation,photography,graphic design,photoshop tutorial for beginners,composite photoshop,composite photoshop tutorial,blend images photoshop,blend images,tutorial photoshop,how to photoshop,composite,photoshop composite tutorial

Tutorial Recording Notes:

Disclaimer: these are the actual notes I used to record this video and are written in a language you may or may not understand. Hopefully, you find them useful or cool.

  1. Create new document 2560x1440px
  2. Fill background layer with #f6bd62
  3. New layer and use the elliptical marquee tool to create a tall, thin selection and fill with #fee6d3 and add a Gaussian blur of 200px
  4. Duplicate that first blurred shape and resize a little to really fill out the glow in the center of BG
  5. Drag in the orange juice glass and size it to the middle of the document
  6. Use Select and Mask to create a nice selection around this thing and output a new mask
  7. Clip a Selective color adjustment layer to this orange juice glass and edit the Whites: C:-50 / M:-10 / Y: +25 / Black: +5 and mask this layer using a large soft brush to just the highlights of the glass/juice
  8. Select both of those layers and merge them to a new layer and shut off the juice and selective color layers
  9. Drag in the blue water splash and set to Multiply
  10. Clip a Black & White layer to this water using the Green Filter preset
  11. Clip a Levels adjustment layer above this and drag the black point to 35, the center point to 1.5, and the black output point to 70
  12. Clip a Color Balance Adjustment Layer above this – M: +50/0/-30 — H: +25/0/-10 — S: +50/0/-40
  13. Mask the bottom of the glass to blend into the water so it appears to disappear correctly
  14. Use the Ellipse toolset to draw a path and drag out a shape a couple inches up from the bottom of the glass
  15. Transform the path to fit the width of the glass
  16. Duplicate the path and nudge it upward 70px
  17. Duplicate the path again and nudge upward 100px
  18. And duplicate a 3rd time and nudge 70px above that
  19. Load the bottom 2 ellipses as selections and drag a guide down from the top to the center of both ovals
  20. Deselect the ellipses
  21. Load the lower of the two ellipses and use the Rectangular marquee tool to add to the selection but only betwixt the guides
  22. Then Intersect Select using the Glass layer to trim the edges of the rectangle
  23. Then Subtract select using the higher path to cut the curve in the top of the selection
  24. Cut this selection to a new layer and shut them off so we can see the cut up glass
  26. Repeat this process to create a second slice in the glass a bit higher on the glass
  27. Select each of the top pieces of the glass and cut them to their own layer
  28. Hue/Sat adjust each of these pieces: H: -10 S:+20 B: Default
  29. Drag in the orange stock photo and resize until the orange it the correct size
  30. Flip the orange horizontally to make its light match the glass more closely
  31. Use the shapes we cut out to cut a piece of orange that will fit exactly into the glass slice
  32. Move the lower orange slice 120px to the left and 20px down
  33. Move the top slice 140px to the right and 10px downward
  34. Drag in the orange slice stock image and use perspective and scaling to lay it down and move it so it can be the top of each cut and each of the orange slices as well
  35. Clip a Levels adjustment to each piece of orange that needs a little darkening and darken them  up a tiny bit (the faces of the orange slices)
  36. Load one of the ellipse paths as a selection, create a new layer, and fill with black and set HSL: colorize/15/100/20 because an extremely dark orange will look less stark then black on white, etc..
  37. Blur and rotate this shadow shape to make the shadows and repeat for whatever needs shadowing
  38. Lift the top pieces of glass off the “top” of the oranges a little bit to give a bigger “slot” that the orange slices are sliding in/out of
  39. Add a dodge/burn layer and give the glass more shape, etc…
  40. Add “ORANGE JUICE” in League Spartan 55px font & fill with #ff840f fill and center above juice
  41. Type out “Simply” with Libre Baskerville Italic at 27pt and fill with #ffffe4 (not all caps!)
  42. Center both pieces of type and arrange them above the juice
  43. Another Dodge and Burn layer to add mini highlights and shadows to the new/fake edges
  44. LUT layer w/ Fuji F125 Kodak 2395 set to Normal and 100% opacity


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